wei xue*, jonghan ko, christiane werner, john tenhunen. a spatially hierarchical integration of close-range remote sensing, leaf structure and physiology assists in diagnosing spatial variation of field-scale ecosystem photosynthetic productivity. agricultural and forest meteorology, 2017, 247, 503–19.
wei xue*, seungtaek jeong, jonghan ko*, john tenhunen. linking canopy reflectance to crop structure and photosynthesis to capture and interpret spatiotemporal dimensions of per-field photosynthetic productivity. biogeosciences, 2017, 14, 1315–32.
wei xue*, steve lindner, maren dubbert, dennis otieno, jonghan ko*, hiroyuki muraoka, christiane werner, john tenhunen. supplement understanding of the relative importance of biophysical factors in determination of photosynthetic capacity and photosynthetic productivity in rice ecosystems. agricultural and forest meteorology, 2017, 232, 550–65.
wei xue*, xiangyi li*. moderate shade environment facilitate establishment of desert phreatophytic species alhagi sparsifolia seedlings by enlarge fine root biomass. acta physiologiae plantarum, 2017, 39, 1–12.
wei xue*, steve lindner, bhone nay-htoon, jonghan ko, hiroyuki muraoka, christiane werner, john tenhunen, peter harley. nutritional and developmental influences on components of rice crop light use efficiency. agricultural and forest meteorology, 2016, 223, 1–16.
wei xue*, dennis otieno, jonghan ko*, christiane werner, john tenhunen. conditional variations in temperature response of photosynthesis, mesophyll and stomatal control of water use in rice and winter wheat. field crops research, 2016, 199, 77–88.
wei xue*, bhone nay-htoon, steve lindner, maren dubbert, dennis otieno, jonghan ko, christiane werner, john tenhunen. soil water availability and capacity of nitrogen accumulation influence variations of intrinsic water use efficiency in rice. journal of plant physiology, 2016, 193, 26–36.
wei xue, xiangyi li*, juntao zhu, lisha lin. effects of temperature and irradiance on photosystem activity during alhagi sparsifolia leaf senescence. biologia plantarum, 2012, 56, 785–88.
wei xue, xiangyi li*, lisha lin, yingju wang, lei li. effects of elevated temperature on photosynthesis in desert plant alhagi sparsifolia. photosynthetica, 2011, 49, 435–47.
bhone nay-htoon, wei xue, steve lindner, matthias cuntz, jonghan ko, john tenhunen, christiane werner, maren dubbert*. quantifying differences in water and carbon cycling between paddy and rainfed rice (oryza sativa l.) by flux partitioning. plos one, 2018, 13(4)
steve lindner*, wei xue, dennis otieno, bhone nay-htoon, jonghan ko, jinsil choi, yannic ege, nikolas lichtenwald, fabian fischer, bernd huwe, john tenhunen. comparing co2 exchange and productivity of transplanted paddy and direct seeded upland rice production system in s. korea. agricultural and forest meteorology, 2016, 228, 229–38.
steve lindner*, dennis otieno, bora lee, wei xue, sebastian arnhold, hyojung kwon, bernd huwe, john tenhunen. carbon dioxide exchange and its regulation in the main agro-ecosystems of haean catchment in south korea. agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 2015, 199, 132–45.
seungtaek jeong, jonghan ko*, jinsil choi, wei xue, jongmin yeom. application of an unmanned aerial system for monitoring paddy productivity using the grami-rice model. international journal of remote sensing, 39, 2441–62.
jinsil choi, jonghan ko*, chi tim ng, seungtaek jeong, john tenhunen, wei xue, jaeil cho. quantification of co2 fluxes in paddy rice based on the characterization and simulation of co2 assimilation approaches. agricultural and forest meteorology, 2018, 249, 348–66.