

  • 职  称: 副教授
  • 所在部门: 生命科学学院
  •  办公室: 逸夫生物楼6楼626
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  • 电子邮件: songyuan@
  • 个人凯发真人首先娱乐主页:

2007.10-2009.11, 加拿大农业部伦敦研究与发展中心(agriculture and agri-food canada ,london research and development centre),  联培博士

2007.7–2010.6,  兰州大学,  植物学,  博士

2004.7–2007.6,  兰州大学,  植物学,  硕士

1999.9–2003.7,  甘肃农业大学, 学士


2017.5-至今, 兰州大学, 生命科学学院, 副教授

2007.7-2017.5, 兰州大学, 生命科学学院, 讲师



2) 植物胁迫记忆形成的表观遗传学机制以及逆境适应机制



1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 31872682,组蛋白去乙酰化酶cbhda6调控高山离子芥低温适应性机制的研究

2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 31200298,dna甲基化和组蛋白乙酰化对高山离子芥抗冻性调控机制的研究

3. 参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题,2014cb954203,荒漠典型耐低温植物对温度胁迫的适应性机理

4. 参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题,2013cb429904,固沙植被对水分胁迫的适应机理








song yjia z, hou y, ma x, li l, jing x, an l. (2020) roles of dna methylation in cold priming in tartary buckwheat, front plant sci 2020. 608540.

song yliu l, ma x. (2019) cbadh1 improves plant cold tolerance, plant signaling & behavior, 2019.1612680.

song yliu l, wei y, li g, yue x, an l, tian l. (2017) trichostatin a and 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine influence the expression of cold-induced genes in arabidopsis, plant signaling & behavior, 2017.10.13, 12.

song yliu l, wei y, li g, yue x, an l. (2016) metabolite profiling of adh1 mutant response to cold stress in arabidopsis. front plant sci 7, 2072.

song y, liu l, feng y, wei y, yue x, he w, et al. (2015) chilling- and freezing-induced alterations in cytosine methylation and its association with the cold tolerance of an alpine subnival plant, chorispora bungeana. plos one 10(8): e0135485. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135485.

song y, canli fa, meerja f, wang xh, et al. (2011) evaluation of factors affecting european plum (prunus domestica l.) genetic transformation. genetic transformation, in: maría alejandra alvarez (eds), 09/2011:123-134. isbn:978-953-307-364-4.

song y, wu kq, dhaubhadel s, an lz, tian ln. (2010) arabidopsis dna methyltransferase atdnmt2 associates with histone deacetylase athd2s activity, biochemical and biophysical research communications, 03/2010, 396 (2):187-92. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2010.03.119.

liu l, song y *(通讯作者), li d, et al. (2017) differential expression by chromatin modification of alcohol dehydrogenase 1 of chorispora bungeana in cold stress. gene (636), 1-16.

meerja f, song y, sibbald s, subramanian j, tian l. european plum in vitro regeneration from different organs. tree and forestry science and biotechnology 2011, 5 (special issue 1): 61-64.

xu xl, song y, li yh, chang jf, zhang h, an lz. (2010) the tandem affinity purification method: an efficient system for protein complex purification and protein interaction identification, protein expression and purification 2010, 72(2): 139-156.

yang y, sun zl, ding cc, ge ln, sun lk, bai mq, song y, chen sy, an lz. (2014) a dead-box rna helicase produces two forms of transcript that differentially respond to cold stress in a cryophyte (chorispora bungeana). planta 240: 369-380.

yao yq, luo y, li t, song y,et al. (2014) using the properties of soil to speed up the start-up process, enhance process stability, and improve the methane content and yield of solid-state anaerobic digestion of alkaline-pretreated poplar processing residues. biotechnology for biofuels 01/2014; 7(1):160.

yao yq, luo y, yang yx, sheng hm, song y, et al. (2014) water free anaerobic co-digestion of vegetable processing waste with cattle slurry for methane production at high total solid content. energy 09/2014; 74:309-313.

李东明,宋渊,安黎哲. 植物染色质免疫共沉淀方法[j]. 草业科学,2014,(04):659-667.

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